written by
Ben Wilson

Order of Service December 15th, 2019

Announcements 1 min read

Hello family! I am looking forward to our time together this weekend. The Night of Carols is Saturday at 4:00. This is a time to sing together to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This Sunday is our Great Commission Sunday.

You can listen to the music here.

Happy Birthday, Mark! Be sure to tell him on Sunday.

Recognition of God’s Character: Adoration

Scripture Reading: Psalm 98 (Ben)

Song of Adoration: Joy to the World (Page 130)

Song of Adoration: Christ the Lord is Born Today (34)

Acknowledgment of Our Character: Confession

Prayer of Confession

Expression of Devotion: Thanksgiving


Affirmation of Grace: Assurance

Song of Assurance: Man of Sorrows (Page 140)

The Desire for Aid in Living for God: Petition and Intercession

Pastoral Prayer

Acquiring Knowledge for Pleasing God: Instruction

Sermon Text: Ephesians 6:17

Living unto God with His Blessing: Charge and Benediction

May the companionship of the man of sorrows and the power of the King of Glory rest upon you this day and all your days. Amen.