Paul says the power of God is immeasurable. There is no scale of measurement that can tell us the depths or intensity of God’s power. Indeed, Paul is...
The past two weeks have made the case for the importance of meditation, and how it is the norm and not the exception of the Christian life. Those who...
To be filled with the Holy Spirit means the word of Christ dwells in us richly. It means that we are abiding in Christ and in His word. We cannot sepa...
God’s commandments are for our good and His glory. God, through Paul, issues a command to His beloved children to be filled with the Spirit. We must u...
You can borrow money. You might take money out of your savings account and plan to put it back; but with time you can’t do this. If you do not make th...
God is love, therefore “all of God’s action is loving.” God works are by His love. We should love one another because God has loved us. This is hard f...
We have an innate desire to want to be loved. The Apostle John reminds us in this passage that we have been loved by God and God placed us in His fami...
We were darkness but now we are light in the Lord (5:8). The text does not say we were in darkness but rather we were darkness. Our lives were charact...